‘I was advised to try acupuncture by various people, who said it can help improve many things like energy levels, relaxation, clarity, sleep and general body functions… I was more than impressed by the results of 3 sessions from Pawel. He was very understanding and after a short explanation of myself seemed to know exactly what to do. The specific treatments were precise and gave me such an energy boost as well as helped with grounding and relaxation that it was really quite impressive and I look forward to more sessions in the future.’

Jim, 43 (Radlett)rod-of-asclepius-297429_640

‘My acupuncture journey came along in a natural way on my healing path, once I have accepted the responsibility for my body, mind, spirit health. I was fortunate enough to come along with an passionate and highly qualified practitioner who’s knowledge and empathy create a trustful and safe space where my physical symptoms found a relief and helped my body to realise the pain and to find its own balance. Thank you, Pawel for opening this door for me!’

Letitia, 41 (cancer diagnosed)

“I liked his holistic approach. He is encouraging and helpful, with great bed-side manner.”

T. C-R, St Albans (smoking cessation program)

‘Treatments with Pawel have resulted in enjoying deeper, undisturbed sleep, having more clarity in the mind and suffering less with headaches and tension in the body…I feel more relaxed and feel that I function better as time goes on….Acupuncture also lessened some knee pain I started to develop. Pawel is attentive and aware of my comfort during the session…..:)
Having regular acupuncture gave me feeling that I am doing something positive about my health.’

Mrs M. Stevens, 63 (Watford)

‘I wasn’t feeling right with myself. I was tense, stressed and my whole body was in pain. So I thought acupuncture will help to improve how I feel about myself. After my first osteopathy-1207800_1920treatment I felt excellent and happy. I felt hotness at my back for a long time, which was very nice and soothing. During further treatments I’ve started to lose the physical strain I’ve had in my body such as my neck. I will continue acupuncture as it releases lot of my stress and body pain.’

Izabela, 41 (Pinner)

‘Going first time for acupuncture session I hoped to make my body stronger, and also to get rid of anxiety I sometimes suffer from. I experienced the treatment as a pleasant relief for tired body. I was very surprised to find out how well my body and mind function after each session. Acupuncture helped me with my knee problem as well as with emotional issues.’

Katarzyna, 42 (St Albans)

‘For a few years now I have been suffering with a very rare and extreme case of eczema. I have been using various methods including acupuncture and herbs. It is getting better now but my hands always felt itchy and swollen. I only had 2 sessions with Pawel (while visiting my daughter in the UK) but I felt a massive difference. The swelling was gone and my hands felt smooth and soft. I wish I lived closer – I think few more sessions would help my condition immensely.’

Jadwiga, 60 (Opole)IMG_9897

‘I can truly recommend Pawel for his acupuncture treatments. So far I’ve had 5 sessions and I felt immediate relief of my symptoms after each one!
I have been complaining of shortness of breath and had asthma-like symptoms (although no asthma was ever diagnosed). My lungs are getting stronger and energy levels are increasing. On one session we treated my swollen ankle (overstretched tendons) and the pain was gone the next day. On top of that Pawel is very professional – you need that with the acupuncturist as sometimes you talk about very personal matters.’

Aga, 38 (Milton Keynes)

‘Wizyty u Pawła zaczęłam w lutym 2016 r. Dokuczalo mi biodro, utykalam na prawą nogę, odczuwalam ogromny ból i miałam trudności w poruszaniu się. Już po pierwszym zabiegu nastąpiła poprawa. Po 3 wizytach ból kompletnie zniknął i biodro stało się sprawne w 100%. Od tego czasu korzystam z zabiegów u Pawła 2 – 3 razy w miesiącu. Po ok. 3 m-cach poprawilo się moje trawienie, migreny stopniowo sie cofnely. Od kilku lat permanentnie dokuczały mi bóle pleców i bezsenność. Również to zniknęło po 3 – 4 zabiegach akupunktury i nagrzewaniem moksą. Dzięki Pawłowi korzystam z tradycyjnej opieki medycznej gdy potrzebuję corocznej medycznej kontroli u mojego lekarza rodzinnego. Stan mojego zdrowia jest lepszy niż w zeszłym roku – mam stabilne ciśnienie, dobre wyniki testów krwi i zdrowe serce.’

M.M, 45 (Milton Keynes)